Assalamualaikum peeps! ♥
huh. dah 16 hari kita berpuasa. tak lama lagi dah nak tiba bulan Syawal. dan lebih 16 hari jugak saya tak update post baru kan? sorry le, busy dgn kerja skolah. kerja khusus sana sini. haish. benda tu tak akan lari kalu kita nie still budak skolah kan? :D
ok lah, ekceli saya nak update post pasal album yang saya order hari tu. album tu dah pun sampai. tp, tak snap gambar, nnti dulu eh? hehe. kita update pasal handsocks dulu.
ok, handsocks nie sbnarnya mak sedara saya yg jual. I call her Cik Uni. handsocks dia yg dia jual amatlah selesa. Amni dah pun try. tu yg nak promote nie. hoho :D
Handsocks yg cik uni jual nie mcm-mcm pattern, mcm-mcm colors, dan macam-macamlah. Contohnya:
'Aadiya Collection
'Aadiya collection are plain coloured handsocks to match your colourful t-shirts or even your 2012 busana raya. Made up of high quality cotton, your comfort is guaranteed InsyaAllah.
All colours is RM10.00/pair.

Most wanted: The BLACK BEAUTY
Size: S, M, L, XL
* All colours are available
Hajjah Collection
Hajjah offers you plain cotton handsocks with cuffed wrist. Neatly sew. Made with grade AAA cotton that ensure your comfort. Match best with baju kurung and jubah. RM15.00/pair will definitely worth it. Check out Hajjah Collection in 4 colours.
Hajjah offers you plain cotton handsocks with cuffed wrist. Neatly sew. Made with grade AAA cotton that ensure your comfort. Match best with baju kurung and jubah. RM15.00/pair will definitely worth it. Check out Hajjah Collection in 4 colours.
Lotus Collection
Lotus offers you printed cotton handsocks. Colourful and trendy.
Printed with peacock pattern. Some people call it batik.
The cotton is thin and soft.
Available in S, M, L, XL
RM 12.00/pair
Grey with pink and white flower printed.
The cotton fabric is thinner and softer, similar to PEACOCK.
Available in S, M, L, XL
RM 12.00/ pair
kalau korang nak, boleh la terjun ke blog nie untuk tengok banyak lagi corak dan warna. sorry, sbb tak boleh tunjuk smua dalam blog nie nnti meleret pulak post.
so, HAPPY SHOPPING everybody! ^^