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well hello there!
my school mid-year exam is finally over. 21 papers down pheww. tup tup post pasal exam lagi kan? haha
harini 1 paper je, Quran Sunnah. boleh tahan susah la jgk sbb tak study semalam hmm *jgn ikut tabiat ini*

mau tak study, tusyen fizik dgn abah dari 8:30-10:30 pm mmg lepas tusyen terus dilamun mimpi la
bangun pagi terasa menyesal tak baca apa pun. nak menagis pun ada haihh
entah betul ke tidak jawapan-jawapan yg telah aku beri kpd 21 papers itu. ceh tawakkal je la kan?

esok Jumaat. aku pun tak tahu la esok last sekolah ke, Isnin next week last sekolah for semesta 1 ni. yang pastinya Selasa tu memang confirm start cuti sbb Israk Mikraj. mohon sangat pengetua bagi cuti Isnin next week. Sukma Perlis kan dah nak start..hahaha bagi je la sekolah sekolah kat Perlis ni cuti

actually cuti ni aku dgn kengkawan aku plan nak gi rumah Pipah kat Melaka. first time siot nak gi Melaka ni. aku rasa macam tak pernah jejak Melaka tp mana tau  time kekecik muda comel dulu pernah jejak Melaka tp parents aku tak dicerita  -___-

aku sangatla mengharap parents aku bagi keizinan utk anakanda dia ni nak pergi holiday kat rumah kengkawan jejauh lagi sekali. lagipun Pipah ni mmg asal Melaka, dan ada rumah sendiri dan kampung kat sana. jadi aku parents aku tak perlu la nak risau sangat kan?

kalau jadi prgi Melaka la kan...nanti Pipah bwk kitorang gi jalan-jalan...uuuu bestnyaaaa tak zzzaabarr hmm
lagi best kalau dpt jumpa Aizat #MB4 dgn Shyyra kahkah //lempang kang//
i pray hard and i hope my parents will allow me with no kerisauan. dah 2-3 hari berdebar debar je jantung pikir bab holiday di ishh

satu lagi benda yang paling aku happy Overdose album and EXO First Box dah sampai! yeheettt. now tengah tunggu INFINITE - Season 2 album hikshiks -,-

hello, yo yo man ~~
being like a crazy man because today is minggu kedua mid-year examination. next week still exam but i guess only 2 days pheww what to do, im still a 'budak sekolah' kan --'  


ohhhweeee back to the topic above, its about Last Romeo. so who is the romeo? hahaha 
YOU KNOW WHAT INFINITE GONNA MAKE THEIR COMEBACK LATER and its just around the corner ohmyy i just cant wait!  (ah sorry for obvious fangirling ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 

so Last Romeo will be the title for the main song and the album named is Season 2.
for more information regarding their comeback, go ask Google haha i dont want to explain too long here ㅎㅎㅎ


lawaaa kan? big applause to INSPIRIT-MY because they have promoting INFINITE comeback in KL along celebrating Children's Day there according to Korea Children's Day date every 1st of May.


btw, INFINITE also have released their first among the FIRST INTRUMENTAL ALBUM called The Origin. good job Woolim Ent. & also SM Ent. (bcoz on the album ada logo SM) for this great album. its limited pieces and im really happy coz im the one who can get to purchased this album but i got bronze coin, sobss (ahh nevermind) 

this is my April 2014 album purchased and also this is the first time im purchasing INFINITE album ada logo SM. betul ke diorang ni akan jadi milik SM? duhhh i donno about the rumors ㅠㅠ
this album is such a relaxing album. mostly INSPIRIT love the white cd but i love all of them.
and know im waiting for their comeback duhh hurry up pls lol 

ouh yeaa EXO also have make their comeback and their album also not bad at all even tho mine didnt arrive yet but i guess the album is good hahahaha and im praying hard that i'll get either D.O. or Kai photocard haha asyik diorang je kan ciss. the album traclist pun not bad, telinga masih menerima utk didengar so means that best la kan. nak dengar jgk, go download the full album tracklist by yourself ahah!

lastly, i love D.O's new hair style and i hope Myungsoo also make that type of hair style ㅋㅋ ok bye.