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Assalamualaikum and hello there!

wuuuuuuwuu such a long time tak update blog ni. kenapala takde rasa rindu nak update haha
maybe sbb #GengBBB dah tak active mcm dulu so aku pun takde rasa nak update blog like we do before this. 

harini update pun sbb i found a girl on Instagram and she put her link blog on her bio so bila tgk blog dia and current post pun baru je lagi..terus rasa perhh rajin siot dia update blog, aku dah lama tinggal blog ni. kan blog kan? LOL ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

mujur skrg ada iPad mudah sikit nak update blog, tak perlu nak on laptop bagai. thanks abah bagi pinjam skjp your tab ni. tp aku rasa dah lebih 2 jam aku pinjam dari tadi hahahha skrg ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜†

aku selalu update apa-apa on my personal Instagram. aku dah rasa situ dah mcm blog kedua aku. so korang (ceh macam blog ni ada reader) haha kalau nak tgk apa aku update boleh la singgah Instagram aku. mcm yg aku kata on my previous post nak update pasal pergi Melaka la, album Overdose & Season 2 la semua aku dah update kat sana hihi. sorry la blog, iolls mungkiri janji kata nak update kat sini tp hampehh 

that all for now. kalau rajin, nnti aku update lg hokayyy 

well hello there!
my school mid-year exam is finally over. 21 papers down pheww. tup tup post pasal exam lagi kan? haha
harini 1 paper je, Quran Sunnah. boleh tahan susah la jgk sbb tak study semalam hmm *jgn ikut tabiat ini*

mau tak study, tusyen fizik dgn abah dari 8:30-10:30 pm mmg lepas tusyen terus dilamun mimpi la
bangun pagi terasa menyesal tak baca apa pun. nak menagis pun ada haihh
entah betul ke tidak jawapan-jawapan yg telah aku beri kpd 21 papers itu. ceh tawakkal je la kan?

esok Jumaat. aku pun tak tahu la esok last sekolah ke, Isnin next week last sekolah for semesta 1 ni. yang pastinya Selasa tu memang confirm start cuti sbb Israk Mikraj. mohon sangat pengetua bagi cuti Isnin next week. Sukma Perlis kan dah nak start..hahaha bagi je la sekolah sekolah kat Perlis ni cuti

actually cuti ni aku dgn kengkawan aku plan nak gi rumah Pipah kat Melaka. first time siot nak gi Melaka ni. aku rasa macam tak pernah jejak Melaka tp mana tau  time kekecik muda comel dulu pernah jejak Melaka tp parents aku tak dicerita  -___-

aku sangatla mengharap parents aku bagi keizinan utk anakanda dia ni nak pergi holiday kat rumah kengkawan jejauh lagi sekali. lagipun Pipah ni mmg asal Melaka, dan ada rumah sendiri dan kampung kat sana. jadi aku parents aku tak perlu la nak risau sangat kan?

kalau jadi prgi Melaka la kan...nanti Pipah bwk kitorang gi jalan-jalan...uuuu bestnyaaaa tak zzzaabarr hmm
lagi best kalau dpt jumpa Aizat #MB4 dgn Shyyra kahkah //lempang kang//
i pray hard and i hope my parents will allow me with no kerisauan. dah 2-3 hari berdebar debar je jantung pikir bab holiday di ishh

satu lagi benda yang paling aku happy Overdose album and EXO First Box dah sampai! yeheettt. now tengah tunggu INFINITE - Season 2 album hikshiks -,-

hello, yo yo man ~~
being like a crazy man because today is minggu kedua mid-year examination. next week still exam but i guess only 2 days pheww what to do, im still a 'budak sekolah' kan --'  


ohhhweeee back to the topic above, its about Last Romeo. so who is the romeo? hahaha 
YOU KNOW WHAT INFINITE GONNA MAKE THEIR COMEBACK LATER and its just around the corner ohmyy i just cant wait!  (ah sorry for obvious fangirling ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹) 

so Last Romeo will be the title for the main song and the album named is Season 2.
for more information regarding their comeback, go ask Google haha i dont want to explain too long here ã…Žã…Žã…Ž


lawaaa kan? big applause to INSPIRIT-MY because they have promoting INFINITE comeback in KL along celebrating Children's Day there according to Korea Children's Day date every 1st of May.


btw, INFINITE also have released their first among the FIRST INTRUMENTAL ALBUM called The Origin. good job Woolim Ent. & also SM Ent. (bcoz on the album ada logo SM) for this great album. its limited pieces and im really happy coz im the one who can get to purchased this album but i got bronze coin, sobss (ahh nevermind) 

this is my April 2014 album purchased and also this is the first time im purchasing INFINITE album ada logo SM. betul ke diorang ni akan jadi milik SM? duhhh i donno about the rumors ã… ã… 
this album is such a relaxing album. mostly INSPIRIT love the white cd but i love all of them.
and know im waiting for their comeback duhh hurry up pls lol 

ouh yeaa EXO also have make their comeback and their album also not bad at all even tho mine didnt arrive yet but i guess the album is good hahahaha and im praying hard that i'll get either D.O. or Kai photocard haha asyik diorang je kan ciss. the album traclist pun not bad, telinga masih menerima utk didengar so means that best la kan. nak dengar jgk, go download the full album tracklist by yourself ahah!

lastly, i love D.O's new hair style and i hope Myungsoo also make that type of hair style ã…‹ã…‹ ok bye.


hi peeps. its been 2 weeks i guess im not typing some story here.
and this week, i would to continue typing and typing bcoz i love it! lol

this week, im toooooo busy.i guess tak belajar langsung. eh tak, belajarla 2-3 subjects gitu hmm next next week Mid-year exam pulaks eurghh do i looks like i love exaaaams? -___-

ok back to the topics, GRADUATION & AWARD
last wednesday 23/4/2014, my school held a graduation ceremony for lepasan SPM & STPM 2013 and anugerah permata for calon PMR who get excellence result, 8A and 9A

am so excited bcoz its been a loooong time im not walking on the stage receiving any awards. it should be my last walking on the stage was on 19/12 if im not mistaken receiving my PMR result but sadly i didnt attend the ceremony so tak merasa la naik pentas u___u

my mom also sgt excited + happy and she came to watch me walking on the stage last wednesday haha. im receiving Anugerah Permata 9A PMR. Alhamdulillah all praise to Allah, the Most Merciful.

on the same day, my fav-crazy-kind-unnie was graduated and she has become ex-SMKAP hahaha
*hope that she's not reading this post*
will miss fangirling over exo together, talking something merepek, gelak kuat gilaa lol
keknas, goodluck in your studies! future laywer to be gitu. i know you can do it. following your mum's step
dont ever forget me and dalilah here and always contact us through social medias that we have mcm skrg ni. one day, rasa mcm nak serbu your house saja saja prgi visit ke haha

how time flies, sekejap je kenal. if not bcoz of chorus speaking 2012, i didnt know you. ingatkan sombong ahahaha. hopefully one day jumpa lagi kat luar sekolah ke, rasa mcm terhutang sbb tak belanja keknas Domino's lg haihh.

hopefully SPM next year, i will get the best result like yours amiin . muach xoxo :')

exo | Tumblr

hi there readers. in the middle of the night i feel like wanna share something on this blog so that i can feel better to sleep. theres lotsa problems in my mind. kinda a bit stress but i have to release it, hmm

especially this week. so so so a hectic week. ive know my UP1 result already. im really not feel very satisfied yet happy  about my result and i feel so weak. got 3 subjets failed. and only got 2 As hmm. how can amni? your SPM will be 11 subjects and you must score all straight As tsk tsk *crying* 
and the important is i didnt tell my parents yet bcoz im really scared and might be crying infront of them. how if they scold me when they look to my worst result and my ranking? *crying again* i cant imagine.

on this week also i have some problems regarding Persatuan Usahawan Muda and the cikgu pembimbing. this thingy makes me feel very tension to the max. if i explain here, my post might be very loooooooooong and maybe will stop typing by tomorrow. haha. eurgh very annoying team members and the teacher. rasa macam nak keluar je dari persatuan tu but im the AJK Multimedia and of course the teacher will not allow me to move to other persatuan. hek eleh

and tomorrow, early in the morning i have to meet her at school even tho tomorrow is saturday and that is my rest time. one word to describe is....LAZY lazy LAZY -_____-

mood have changed to annoying mood to the max. huh nyampah ko tahu?
nak buat guane, apa-apa kita buat kena sentiasa pikir Positif gituuu

that's all, finally i feel very sleepy. maybe bcoz ive express my feelings through keyboard. yeahhh
ehem. EXO and INFINITE will make their comeback as soon as possible. yaeyy! lol

aloha! lol
even tho dah 16 tahun 9 hari haha but i still want to share this post.

on 17th March 2014 - Monday, around 3 p.m i guess. i received a big (kinda) photo album on my desk. someone have putted it on my desk. time tu aku masuk class lambat dari makmal kimia even tho dah tahu cikgu takde tp gedik jugak naik lewat. takpelah, biar anak buah naik class dulu biar ketua class ni naik lambat sikit wahaha lol

once i stepped into my classroom. half of my classmates were at my desk while laughing like hell. aku dah la dgn gigit choki choki kat mulut sbb tangans dah penuh dgn bukusss. pastu diorang lagi la tambah gelak tu.

i was like wae? why? why? what happened? and they said "AMNI  HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HAHA. WE FORGOT ABOUT YOUR BIG DAY. TAK TAHU PUN"

i replied "HAHA hmm hmm lol"
and they suddenly said "Ohgoshh both of you are so sweet, so cute" but they dont allow me utk tengok benda alah apa yg diorang tengok tu. i was like "WOI apa ni??!!" =_________=

then my assistant class-monitor show me a photo album that full with memories since im in primary school. and she said "this is actually a gift from your bestfriend. she did a suprised i guess and i donno that you not open it yet. haha"

AWHH terharu. cesh haha

taraa!! 16th's  one and only birthday gift from friend

such a precious birthday gift ever. i love the "guy you love the most" part haha you know me well dude.
last two years she gave me INFINITE - INFINITIZE album. tu pun precious jgk haha. anyway, thank you so much. you always be there for me through thick and thin. thank you thank you :')

that's all. im still terharu hahaha

hello! hihi harini kan birthday kita lol
sgt excited sbb dah lama rindu tarikh 15/03 ni. tp hari ni rasa mcm sekejap ja. tuptup dah malam. dah nak 16/03.. 

tapi harini best la jgk even kena teman gi cari lampu downlight utk rumah baru, gi visit adik adik kat asrama. masa dihabiskan dgtn benda benda macam tu di hari kelahiran ku tahun ini haha. yg rasa best gila sbb benda yg aku teringin and dah lama sabar selama 3 tahun ialah nak makan Prawn Macarroni Cheese Secret Recipe haha.

boleh je selama 3 tahun tu nak gi beli tp segan and kesian nak ajak parents bawak pergi Secret Recipe. diorang ada byk lagi kerja nak buat drpd bawak aku gi SR tu kan. tp harini Alhamdulillah abah ummi ada masa bawakkan pergi SR, dpt tapau bawak balik Prawn Macarroni Cheese tu pun jadilah even tak makan kat kedai huhu.

tahun ni macam tahun lepas takde hadiah from sesapa (rasanya). tp aku ada la duit lebih sikit yg aku usaha selama ni nak belikan reward utk diri sendiri haha. antara hadiah yg dah sampai ialah Instax Share yg dlm gambar atas tu. order direct from Japan, murah dari yang aku survey kat Malaysia ni.
2nd thing is Converse sneakers directly from UK. dah lama teringin tp skrg baru parents benarkan beli pastu pulak aku jumpa yg murah tp original dari yg dikedai kedai so terus purchase and tunggu ia sampai beberapa hari sajo lagi ^^

and banyak lg tp tu semua dari insta shop Malaysia sajoo. im waiting im waiting haha
sekali sekala gembirakan diri sendiri dgn hasil titik peluh kita. nanti aku cerita dari mana aku dpt duit semua tu. rasanya ada yang dah tahu.......... kot?

oh ya! 13/03 haritu kan birthday encik somi kiteww ahahaha. sengaja nak wish lagi Happy Belated Birthday Kim Myungsoo, L a.k.a your nickname i called you is burung hantu. hahahaha 

him in L's Bravo Viewtiful part 2

last but not least, i would like to thank all of you for the warm wishes. yes ive grown up and always grown up. officially sixteen starting today. may Allah bless and always give my life full with happiness. i really feel better and great today  ='')

that's all
Spread Love. xoxo 

hi. its been along time and today sengaja nak share sebab rasa macam nak menaip. tak salah kan? haha

today baru je habis Ujian Penilaian 1 2014 and last papers are Physics and Add Math. gila tak gila?
dah la gap antara dua paper tu 15 minutes je. biasanya 1 hour 15 minutes gap. aku makan nasi lemak dah la lauk bilis memang tercekik la kan. sanggup cikgu buat jadual gitu haihh

paper Add Math mmg sudah terang lagi bersuluh aku akan tinggal banyak soalan and yes memang banyak pun. tak pernah selama aku exam tinggal soalan banyak macam tu je. bersedia kena dengar leteran cg Azizan tu err

hari isnin haritu boleh tahanla jugak. BM, not bad. Sejarah, errr senang tapi kalau dah tak ingat fakta terus jadi auta. B.Arab, sangat la tak paham apa kehendak soalan. kalau dulu ada jugak translate jawi apa yang dia nak. ni bila dah upper form, 100% arabic. need to learn more.

2nd day- selasa. huh ni paling worst of the worst. paper Kimia. dah la soalan ku tak berapa nak paham. sekejap dwibahasa sekejap english je. so jawapan tu ala kadar je. dah la section C aku jawab dua je tu pun takde huraian. soalan 10 markah tak buat langsung. aku bet cg Aini mmg akan sound satu kelas nanti padahal aku tau aku je yg tak buat. yang lain semua cerdik pandai paham apa yang dia nak hurmm.

aku dah takut dengan cikgu tu skrg. serious. nak angkat muka pun dah takut even tak tau lagi result berapa. ermm

3rd day- rabu. Syariah and Quran Sunnah. best la jugak soalan. Syariah paling best sbb soalan tu dah jawab haha. Quran Sunnah aku tak cukup masa menjawab. tulisan jawi superb buruk. sampai lupa ustazah suruh selang. aku harap dia maafkan nanti. haihh

4th day- jumaat. Biology and Math. ni 2nd worth day jugak. 2 papers ni speechless gila sbb aku jawab cincai sangat macam budak tak belajar langsung kat bahagian section B tu adehhh serabut kepala ingat balik -,-

itu saja. dan saya sangat gembira exam one week je. tak ikut format. after this 2 weeks ikut format huh.
tak pelah, memang macam tu. esok aku cukup 16 tahun. Alhamdulillah. sangat suka tarikh esok. sangat dinantikan.   hihi ;)

hi. sudah lama tidak berkongsi cerita disini. been busy since PMR last year and almost forget this blog. huh
firstly, nak kongsi my result even tho dah bulan dua but, whatever. haha. Alhamdulillah, 9 subjek lurus semuanya. seronok ke? yes mmg seronok.

tapi, sekarang seronok tu dah hilang, hilang macam tu je. sekejap pulak tu keseronokkan. tetiba timbul pula kesibukkan. lagi sibuk drpd minggu-minggu pecutan PMR. orang kata, form four ni tahun berbulan madu. ye ke? tak nampak mcm honeymoon pun. busy with schoolworks and homeworks as usual. lagi banyak ada la.

seriously, aku nak balik semula jadi budak lima belas tahun. aku tak nampak pun kemanisan enam belas tahun ni yg diperkatakan itu. walaupun ramai yg cakap kat aku "relax la baru awal tahun". yes. masih awal tahun. tp aku dapat baca yg kesibukan yg mashaAllah penat yg amat ni akan kekal sampai akhir tahun. atau pun sampai hari last aku jadi pelajar sekolah yakni hari last SPM next year. masuk form four hectic-nya berganda-ganda dari time PMR lepas. hazabnya Yang Maha Esa saja yg tahu macam mana.

haihh kalau la boleh putarkan balik masa~ 
tapi tak boleh. mustahil  and tak akan berlaku. hanya dapat berharap bahawa aku tak mudah berputus asa and Allah bagi aku kesihatan utk lalui semua dugaan nak tuntut ilmu kat dunia ni. dah masuk form four ni, aku putuskan utk nak ambil aliran sains tulen. so far so good. Alhamdulillah aku dpt memahami apa yg diajar dan apa yg aku belajar. even ramai dah start brainwash aku "paham tak bio fizik kimia?" "eh susah la, aku nak tukar aliran rasa" siap menangis bagai nak rak pun ada.

c'mon la. itu kau punya hal. jgn cuba nak hasut aku join sekali. niat aku nak belajar, nak capai cita-cita yg aku minat. aku cuba positifkan diri dan betulkan niat bahawa belajar sains ni mudah. walaupun mulut kat luar tu kata sains tulen ni tersangat la susah. ye, susah tu memang ada. tipu la kalau semuanya senang mcm kacang goreng ka. tp tak semua. euw im not that clever student like you taught hahaha

tp teringin jgk nak jd pandai. haha. apa apa pun, aku harap ada yg support aku dari belakang selain dprd ummi, abah and family aku. korang semua yg baca ni, yg kenal aku. terima kasih kerana mendoakan aku smpai berjaya capai target nak 9A PMR and hopefully teruskanlah berdoa supaya aku terus kuat nak belajar kerana kita ni kena cari ilmu sampai mati. selagi hidup, carilah ilmu yg berguna. tazkirah tetibakan haha.

last word; what ever happens, terima saja cabaran dan dugaan itu. bersyukur dgn setiap apa yg kita mampu dan apa yg kita ada. may Allah bless us. may Allah ease everythings, inshaAllah

itu saja,
Spread Love. xoxo